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Our Aims and Objectives

Our Aims and Objectives

  • To undertake women welfare programmes like empowerment, skill development trainings and income generation activates etc.
  • To impart education to the entire healthy environment to build strong Nation of intellectuals and promote literacy and craftsmanship in our country.
  • To establish orphanages, oldaged homes, leprosy rehabilitation centers.
  • To promote and support a large number of sustainable livelihoods among rural/urban/tribal poor women in the country to help them achieve a better quality of life with Development projects, Socio-economic Development Programmes.
  • To organize games, sports and cultural activities.
  • To conduct handicrafts training programme, melas and awareness programmes in urban and rural areas.
  • To conduct vocational training to widows and needy people.
  • To undertake the programmes with emphasis on formal, non-formal, adult & technical education, reproductive child health & nutrition, Hiv/Aids, mental health, epidemics, eye disability and sterilization etc.
  • To undertake environment awareness & education, water and sanitation, pollution control & waste management programmes.
  • Eradication of child labour and promoting education programmes top the children (domestic child labour, street children, school dropouts, migrant children etc.)
  • Care and support to the special children, providing special education to them (mentally retarded, deaf and dumb, physically handicapped children etc.)
  • To provide technical education in trade like Tailoring, Embroidery, Fashion Designing, Candle Making, Typewriting, Computer Training, Mobile Repairing, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Gadgets etc.